Hip hip hooray! Simone Joyaux is in the house!!
I’m so deeply honored to have this personal hero of mine and international fundraising “rock” star kick off The Fundraiser’s Bookshelf Series on my blog. THANK YOU, SIMONE!!!
I had the immense luck of meeting Simone very early in my fundraising career and she has been my North Star all along. Do yourself a HUGE favor and read everything she has written and done — books, articles, webinars, videos, posts (she has a huge treasure trove of free resources on her website https://www.simonejoyaux.com, don’t forget to bookmark it!) — she is truly brilliant. I could go on and on singing her praises so go on and treat yourself.
FROM: Simone Joyaux, ACFRE, Adv Dip, FAFP … Also known as Sim One…
FIRST: A big thanks, Julie! A blog with expert resources … gathered from various people. Cool!
So here’s my books story…
I’ve always been a reader. I remember my mom saying to me one day: “Put the damn book down and go out and play!” I suggested sitting outside and reading – but that was not what she meant!
I read for fun. Sci fi fantasy. Romance. Spy and mystery. And…
I read to learn, to be the best professional I can be.
To be that best professional, I read far beyond fundraising and governance. I read much more than nonprofit sector writings.
What’s on my bookshelves? See a few photos from around my office. And I’ve got the huge file drawers filled with articles and magazines and…
Here are 2 of the greatest books I’ve read in the last decade – that I wish every human being – and certainly every professional in any sector would read: Sherry Turkle’s Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other and Shankar Vedantam’s The Hidden Brain: How Our Unconscious Minds Elect Presidents, Control Markets, Wage Wars, and Save our Lives.
And so many more…
Genuine appreciation roots our work. We believe everyone
deserves a seat at the table where love is being served. Our fundraising approach focuses on building authentic relationships rooted in equity and community. By centering Wertschätzung, we support nonprofit leaders to create meaningful, sustainable change and belonging.
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